Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth

This picture is another one of those creative things I talked about. I took a bottle of gel that has this frosted brown outer layer. I propped it up so it was looking right up into the light and I pointed the camera into the bottle and took a few pictures. After cropping out the darkened parts this is the image I got. Didn't mess with it at all, really happy with how it came out.

This picture was taken this past weekend in my trailer. I went to make myself a drink and saw that we had two bottles that had developed frost on them. I took some normal pictures of the frosted bottle, but then turned on the black light and began to take pictures. This is what I think is one of the best ones, the shadow is present, the floor is slightly illuminated and so on. I'm very happy with this one.

Space: The Final Frontier

Since I don't have a good camera, at least in my eyes, I try to make due. I tend to get creative and this picture is just that. I bet you can't guess what it is. All I did was used iPhoto, to boost the color a bit, and to improve upon some of the highlights. Also did a brief touch up in the middle with a blemish remover. Guess away!

Life Through the Spokes

I was walking around campus on Friday evening with camera in hand, hoping I would find something to snap. Sure enough I found a vintage white bicycle parked outside of St. Vinny's Cathedral. I took several snapshots, and after rotating this one came out rather nice.